Direct Selling Tips: Craft Fairs

I have done two craft fairs so far. I prefer these to Yard Sales because you can sell items more for their value without potential customers getting mad about the prices. With Yard Sales people are looking for bargains and with Craft Fairs people are just looking. One downside is that some people go to Craft Fairs to find unique items and things they couldn’t find elsewhere. For a Craft Fair, the best time to look for them is with your holiday selling season. You should have bundled products on hand to sell as gift sets. At the Craft Fair I did really well at, I had bundled products (the bath & body sets did the best) and I had Jewelry sell well. The best thing to do is to either get bundled products or get some products and put them together into your own bundle. Stocking stuffers may sell well as well. Of course all of this would depend on what company products you have ready to sell so talk to someone in your specific company to see what they recommend you have on hand to sell at Craft Fair events. Also, as always make sure you have business cards and brochures on hand to give out so people will have your information. I did a Craft Fair in November and then in February someone that had my information from that event called to order from me so you just never know when a follow-up sale might occur. It’s also good to have some samples to give out of products if your company offers that kind of thing. Good luck!